Learning how to caulk crown molding is a necessary skill for anyone who has this beautiful architectural feature in their home. Expansion gaps between the molding and the wall/ceiling are fairly common as a result of the natural heating and cooling process that takes place during each new season.
Caulking Crown Molding. Things You Will Need + Ladder Caulking gun Trim caulk Small scissors Damp cotton rag Learning how to caulk crown molding is a necessary skill for anyone who has this beautiful architectural feature in their home.
Slipcovers are used to freshen stained or worn furniture, to cover furniture with upholstery that no longer matches wallpaper or painted walls, or simply to provide a new decorative look. Slipcovers can be made to cover sofas, chairs of all types, cushions or footstools. Sewing square corners on slipcovers is important to ensure the cover will fit the cushion exactly without pulling, stretching or looking like bunched, poorly constructed lumps at each corner.
Wall headers run along the top of window and door openings in your home. Headers are typically constructed of wood, and fulfill the role of a lintel in a post-and-lintel system. They are load-bearing elements that transfer weight around the window or door, to the solid foundation below. When installing wiring in your home, it is always best to avoid drilling through load bearing elements. If you have no choice, wires can be set within notches in your header to preserve as much structural integrity as possible.
If you live near a vineyard, the proprietors will sometimes allow you to cart away their discarded grapevines. Alternatively, you can cut wild grapevines or buy dried grapevines at a craft store. Construct weight-bearing grapevine furniture by weaving the vines over a frame, or use the twisted older vines as a furniture base. You can refurbish wicker furniture, use a ready-made frame or make one yourself. Many materials work as frames; bamboo is easy to work with, durable and readily available.
Knife blades are made from a variety of materials, including metal, titanium, plastic, ceramic, glass and obsidian. Obsidian is produced in nature when felsic lava is forced from a volcano and does not experience crystal growth while cooling.
Because of its chemical composition, which allows it to obtain a nearly molecular thinness, it is an idea material for making surgical scalpel blades. It is a naturally formed glass that can be crafted to a much sharper cutting edge than steel scalpels.
A Swiss Army knife usually has a tool that is a combination of a can opener and a small flathead screwdriver. It is simple to open a can with the can opener by piercing the can with the tool's sharp point and cutting around the inside of the can's rim with its blade.
Opening a can with a Swiss Army knife can opener creates extremely sharp edges so it must be done very carefully.
Myers manufactures a broad line of residential submersible water pumps for wastewater, water systems and sewage. These sturdy machines can endure many hours of operation without maintenance. Many of the problems that occur have to do with clogs and dirt buildup.
Myers manufactures a broad line of residential submersible water pumps for wastewater, water systems and sewage. These sturdy machines can endure many hours of operation without maintenance. Many of the problems that occur have to do with clogs and dirt buildup.
HardiBacker is a top brand of cement board, which is used as underlayment for hard tiles like ceramic or marble. The boards look like hard, heavy drywall and are almost as easy to cut and install, but once in place they provide the stability of a concrete floor. Proper installation of the HardiBacker board is crucial to the tiling process, because any loose areas, dips or obstructions in the underlayment will cause problems later with the tiles.
Pecky cypress wood is a hard material ideal for home paneling. If you have nicks or scratches in your cypress paneling, you can refinish it with just a few tools. You can only remove nicks and scratches by sanding the wood down. Because of the hardness, you must use a mechanical sander to get rid of the marks. You don’t have to be a builder to refinish your pecky cypress paneling, you can do it yourself.
Our efforts to create balance when decorating a room with an offset fireplace are sometimes defeated not by the fireplace, but by the design of the room itself. The fireplace is the usual focal point in a room, but even if it is centered, poor dimensions, awkward placement of doors and windows, or available wall space can limit choices in the arrangement of furnishings. However, although balance is critical to successful decorating, symmetry is not.