
How to Remove Smoke Smell From Wood Furniture

A fire or years of smoke from a fireplace or cigarettes can cause a lingering smoke smell. Odor from smoke can accumulate on various surfaces and last for days, weeks or even months. Not only does the smoke leave an unpleasant smell, but it will also cover your wood furniture with a greasy film. Before treating the smoke odor, you must remove the greasy film left behind from the smoke.

How to Repaint Refrigerator Handles

An old, dingy refrigerator is not an appetizing sight and could turn away even the hungriest would-be chef. The door to your fridge is opened and closed dozens of times each day and its handle can show wear sooner than the rest of the appliance. You can spruce up your refrigerator with some preparation and paint. Paint can make refrigerator door handles look new. Things You Will Need + Screwdriver Newspaper Fine-grit sandpaper Rag Low-tack painter's tape Bonding primer in spray can Appliance spray paint The appliance will look much better and the food inside might even seem more appealing.

How to Repaint Stihl Chainsaws

Stihl chainsaws are one of the more popular brand of chainsaws among both homeowners and contractors. The orange-colored casing and the Stihl logo imprinted on the chainsaw blade are familiar sights to those who use them. One way to keep your Stihl chainsaw looking as new as the day you bought it is to paint the casing from time to time after careful cleaning. It will take a few hours to paint your Stihl chainsaw and allow it to dry.

What Is the Rough Cost of Concrete Building Block?

Concrete blocks are a relatively inexpensive, durable building material. They hold up well in most climates and can be installed with minimal expertise. Concrete block costs vary somewhat according to the type of block, the distance from the manufacturer and the area where the block will be installed. Split-face concrete blocks look like stone. Learning the costs of basic building materials can help you make smart decisions about your next project.

How to Remove Brick Flooring

Brick flooring, when used inside, is installed much like tile. A bed of adhesive is spread on the floor, the bricks are set and then the space between the bricks is grouted. Whether the brick is cracked and damaged or you are simply tired of the way it looks, you can remove the bricks. Remove brick flooring. The job is straightforward but does require some muscle. Ask a friend to help you to finish the job more quickly.

How to Rid a House of Miller Moths

The Miller moth, also called the army cutworm moth, is a common household pest, even though they don’t damage clothing or any other property and are harmless to people and pets. Gray or brown with spots or squiggly blunt lines on its delta-shaped wings, Miller moths are about an inch in length, and the caterpillar that becomes the moth feeds on leaves, especially those of grains. The extent of the damage they cause may be a dusty residue on windows they bump into, but for many people the Miller moth is a nuisance.

How to Chase Away Skunks

Skunks are a common garden and house pest. They can dig burrows in foundation openings and disturb trash as well as spray family pets and any humans that get too close. Chasing a skunk off your property doesn't have to end badly. Things You Will Need + Ammonia Old washcloths or scraps of fabric Spices Dirt Rocks Water hose The same smell that makes them a nuisance can make them tricky to get rid of, but with the proper knowledge it is possible to chase them away from your property without having to bathe in tomato juice.

How to Dewinterize a Sprinkler System

Once spring comes around, it's time to recharge the sprinklers and prepare the system for the season. Sprinklers that have been properly winterized should contain no water, and a cap on the base of the vacuum breaker was probably loosened or removed. Priming a sprinkler system for the season takes only a few quick steps. You'll need to reverse these procedures to get your system ready for daily use. All it takes is a few minutes and the turn of a few knobs and levers to get the system ready for spring.

How to Retrieve a Sock From the Lint Filter in My Dryer

Socks can get sucked into a dryer’s lint filter. This not only leaves you with a mismatched sock, but it is a fire hazard, as the filter clogs with more lint. The clogged up filter prevents the dryer from drying clothes as efficiently as it should. Check around the dryer to ensure the missing sock wasn't simply dropped. Promptly remove a sock from the lint filter to ensure that it doesn’t damage the machine or cause a fire.

How to Use Boric Acid Powder to Get Rid of Earwigs

Earwigs got their name from the superstition that they crawl into a person's ear and eat their brain. While this is certainly an old wives' tale, large infestations of earwigs can harm plants. They seldom cause enough damage to be worth eradicating in small numbers. Earwigs are insects with large pinchers on their abdomen. They can use them for defense by curling the pinchers over their back. Boric acid can be used to kill them both indoors and outdoors.