
How to Dump an Old Mattress in Miami

One of the most troubling pieces of household garbage to get rid of is the mattress. An old mattress is large, bulky and difficult to move and it's not something you can just store in a closet. However, throwing out a mattress with the trash or even taking it to the dumpster at your apartment complex is generally not acceptable. For people living in the Miami area, there is a simple way to get rid of that old mattress -- and it may even be free.

How Does HVAC Power Exhaust Work?

Large buildings, such as tall skyscrapers, use controlled air conditioning units to keep the inside of the building comfortable for workers. Many components make up these systems, including a powerful fan, called a power exhaust. Function Many HVAC systems use power exhausts. An heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) power exhaust is a dual fan addition to a rooftop air conditioning system. As air is pumped into a building for air conditioning, the pressure builds.

The Proper Height of a Wall Sconce

Wall sconces are generally used for accent lighting. Depending on their style, they can also be used as security lighting or task lighting. Although there are no hard or fast measurements for where to place the lights, there are tips that will help make placement easier. Start by identifying the purpose of the wall sconce. Wall Sconce as Accent Lighting Placement height for a wall sconce varies between 60 and 72 inches up from the floor.

How to Light a Charcoal Grill With Newspaper

Lighting a charcoal grill can be a tricky task, especially if you choose not to use lighter fluid. Newspaper and twigs are an alternative to lighter fluid, as the newspaper will ignite quickly and the twigs will maintain the heat until the charcoal ignites. The charcoal will turn red hot after approximately 10 minutes, and then will turn white or gray. Charcoal grills are available in many different shapes and sizes.

How to Remove Snot Stains From a White T-Shirt

Allergies or other respiratory ailments naturally cause mucus in the respiratory passages. Sometimes coughing or sneezing occurs suddenly, and there isn't time to grab a tissue to spare nearby items from the spray. This kind of sneezing or coughing suddenly can lead to mucus on your clothing. This usually won't create a serious stain on a T-shirt, as long as you wash the shirt quickly and appropriately. Place the T-shirt in a sink.

Decorating Ideas for a Blank Wall Above a Sink in a Kitchen

The lost space behind the kitchen sink is worth reclaiming. In the corner or under the cabinets, update old decor with something useful and beautiful. A minimalist would leave the wall above the kitchen sink blank, and that's a spare and serene option for your very Zen kitchen. But that small chunk of real estate can deliver some real returns with the right treatment. Consider your decor style, placement of the sink, kitchen architecture and budget when dreaming up big plans to transform your tired old sink area.

How to Build a Mist Fan

Mist fans are wonderful inventions that mix the nice breeze of a fan with a little water mist. This typically can cool a hot area near the fan by several degrees. Mist fans can drop the temperature around the fan by several degrees. You see these set up in amusement parks, fairs and other places where lots of people are gathering in the heat of the day, and are used to give people the opportunity to cool off.

How to Countersink a Door Hinge

Creating a countersink, known as a mortise, allows the hinge to rest below the surface of the door frame and door slab. This allows the door to close without interference from the hinge. The secret to creating a mortise is using a sharp chisel to remove the wood from the area that the hinge is going to mount. Things You Will Need + Hinge Pencil Combination square Chisel Hammer A dull chisel will splinter the wood instead of cutting the wood from the mortised area.

How to Clean a Mesh Fireplace Screen

Fireplace screens are made to prevent sparks and pieces of wood from flying out of the fireplace and setting your house on fire. Most fireplace screens are mesh screens. These screens should be cleaned on a regular basis so that they can continue to do the job they were designed to do. Luckily, mesh fireplace screens are easy to clean. Wet a cloth and use it to wipe down the front and back of the mesh screen.

Stages in Road Construction | HomeSteady

Table of Contents Clearing and Excavation Mounting Fine Grading Aggregate Base Asphalt Paving Road construction is a lengthy process that can take more than 10 years, depending on the size of the future pathway. It involves several construction crews and plant machinery and requires careful planning and various evaluations, including environmental and structural assessments.