
Deni Food Dehydrator Instructions | HomeSteady

Dehydrating food preserves it, making it shelf stable. Dehydrated fruits and vegetables can be used for cooking, for baking or for eating out of hand. If you have more fruit, berries or vegetables than you can use before it perishes, a home food dehydrator like the one made by Deni allows you to make your own dehydrated foods economically. The Deni food dehydrator can be found at most retailers that carry small appliances.

How to Make a Melamine Desk

Desks often look impersonal, but the best desks are very personal and take the user's body plan into consideration. This can be crucial to an enjoyable work or computer play experience, especially if you're taller or shorter than average. One way to ensure you get the desk best suited for your height is to build one yourself. A melamine work surface provides an inexpensive way to create a desk that's just right for you and melamine boards come in a variety of colors in addition to the traditional white, black and brown found at most hardware stores.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Using Drywall

When you build or remodel a home, you have many decisions to make. Some, like paint color and curtain fabric, are easily changed when you tire of them. Other decisions, such as which building material to use for your walls, are much more permanent, so it’s important to consider your options before making your choice. Easier to install and less expensive, drywall has overtaken plaster in popularity. Installation One big advantage of drywall is that it is faster and easier to install than traditional plaster.

How to Clean an Aluminum Awning

Awnings can help keep your home energy-efficient --- they also have a decorative advantage. However, if they get too dirty, they can quickly become a public eyesore. Your instincts might tell you to rent a power washer to do the job. Aluminum awning Don't follow your instincts on this one --- a power washer can actually damage the awning, especially if the aluminum is painted. Instead, buy a solvent made for aluminum at the hardware store and a soft brush to scrub away the gunk.

Outhouse Rules in Minnesota | HomeSteady

Table of Contents Distances Relation to Water Construction Capacity Inside the Privy Outhouses are often employed in areas where plumbing is not available. Also referred to as privies, and in Minnesota especially, as biffies, outhouses are usually made from wood and placed over a large hole. The waste is disposed of by bacteria, and if properly constructed, there should be little to no unpleasant odor.

How to Break Flagstone | HomeSteady

People often use flagstone to create a patio or walkway outside of buildings. The stone can also appear on the sides of buildings. Flagstone isn't one specific type of stone. It usually consists of limestone, sandstone or granite. You can purchase the stone in colors such as gray, brown or pink. When cutting flagstone, take safety precautions such as wearing protective eyewear and keeping children out of sight. Take your time when cutting so that you achieve the desired result.

The Best Way to Remove Mold From Cotton Fabric

Mold forms and spreads on cotton fabric when it sits in a warm, moist location for a long period of time. Mold on cotton fabric requires immediate removal. When left to continue spreading, mold weakens the cotton fabric, destroying clothing and other textiles. Mold destroys cotton fabric when left unattended. While commercial and chemical products are effective for removing mold from cotton fabric, supplies found at home are equally effective without the chemical exposure.

How to Remove Coffee Odor From Plastic

Plastic containers work well for storing foods, but the common problem is the food odor that gets left behind. Coffee carries with it a strong scent, and if you store coffee grounds in the container for an extended period of time. the plastic absorbs the smell. Remove coffee odor from plastic with baking soda. To prevent the next foods you store in the container from absorbing the coffee smell and taste, deodorize the plastic with safe household elements.

How to Get Lumber Stamps Off

When building a deck or porch, the last thing you want is to have the ink stamp on the lumber showing. Most higher grades of lumber do not have the ink stamp. Contractor grade dimensional lumber, on the other hand, usually has green or red ink stamps. Dark paints usually do a good job of covering the ink stamps. Things You Will Need + Borax laundry soap Bucket Scrub brush Coarse-grit sandpaper Sanding block Fine-grit sandpaper However, if you are staining the lumber or painting it a light color, it is necessary to get lumber stamps off so it will not show through.

What Happens When Freon Explodes?

Most refrigerators and air conditioners use freon, which is the short form of the name "chlorodifloromethane." While it is non-toxic, it will eat away at the ozone layer of our atmosphere if released into the air, and so the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency closely regulates the sale of freon. You don't want to be around if the freon inside that air conditioner explodes. While freon is generally not flammable, there are circumstances that can cause a freon cylinder to explode.