
How to Glue Foam Rubber Together Side-by-Side to Make a Cushion

Foam rubber consists of thick blocks cut into various thicknesses and sizes. It is a common material for cushions for furniture and upholstery, along with many other uses. When making wide cushions, you must glue two pieces of foam together side-by-side, which ensures they don't separate when someone sits down. Gluing two foam rubber sections together requires a spray-on glue specifically designed to use on foam. Foam rubber is good padding for seats.

How to Remove Dry Raw Egg From Concrete With Cola or Vinegar

Concrete is a porous material used for sidewalks and patios. According to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, concrete is easily stained but most stains can be removed as long as the stain is worked on immediately. To remove dry raw egg from concrete, try using an acid, such as cola or vinegar. Dried raw eggs can leave a crusty dark stain on concrete. Things You Will Need + Spray nozzle Soft brush Spackling knife 10-inch square flannel Cola or vinegar Concrete slab Salt These liquids are readily available and are less toxic than regular commercial cleaners.

How Will Dirt & Clay Dissolve in a Clogged Drain Pipe?

Table of Contents How Solids Get Into Drain Pipes The Root Cause Sulfuric Acid Drain Openers Hydrochloric Acid Drain Openers Products Designed Specially for Roots Most older sewer lines are made from clay, and even most newly built structures with PVC drain lines eventually discharge into a city waste system comprised of clay pipes.

How to Install a Screen Tightly

Window screens eventually become slack and deteriorate due to weather and abuse. When stretched in the frame properly, screening allows you to enjoy seasonal changes, and to listen and watch the outdoors without distortion or flying insects. Tightening a screen for a window is typically a do-it-yourself project and maintains the finished look you want in a room. See beauty without distraction. Take the screen off the window frame, or remove from the door opening.

How to Remove Paint From Wood Garage Doors

Exposure to rain, wind and sunlight causes paint on wooden garage doors to eventually require removal. Excessive moisture compels paint on exterior wood to peel, while blistering paint is a result of extreme temperatures. Simply using improper painting techniques can cause paint to appear scaly and unattractive. Wooden garage doors coated with old or dingy paint appear aesthetically unappealing. Thoroughly removing paint prepares wood garage doors for fresh coats of new paint.

How to Build a Bear-Proof Garbage Box

It isn't only campers and residents of remote communities who need bear awareness -- black bears inhabit 41 of the 50 U.S. states and all Canadian provinces except for Prince Edward Island. Large containers that a bear can't tip over are the safest. If a bear is living near you, your introduction may come in the form of an overturned garbage can, and once that happens, you can expect another visit.

How Much Does Sandblasting Cost?

Sandblasting is the process of propelling abrasive particles at a high speed onto a surface. It is used to clean surfaces by freeing them from clinging particles. These particles are usually old paint or rust. Sandblasting is also used for etching. Sandblasters are often used to remove old paint. There are companies specializing in sandblasting or you can buy or rent a sandblast kit. Process A sandblasting setup has three parts.

How to Get Rid of Seaweed

If seaweed is becoming a nuisance in a pond or lake, you can try a few different things to get rid of it. Using a seaweeder rake is the safest lake weed removal method. Try grass carp, pond dye and herbicide in ponds. When you have gathered seaweed, use it as a fertilizer or add it to compost. Seaweed does an important job in the sea by providing food and shelter for sea animals, but it can be a pest in ponds and lakes, killing fish and other plant life and damaging boats.

How to Repair Exterior Cedar Siding

The usefulness of cedar for exterior applications, such as siding and fencing, is due to its exceptional weather resistance, but over time, even cedar siding can be damaged from exposure to moisture and ultraviolet (UV) rays. Moreover, insects and birds can bore holes and moisture can cause boards to warp and crack. If it's well maintained, cedar siding can last for fifty years or more. Wood cleaner can be used to remove sun-damaged wood fibers and smaller cracks and holes can be filled with exterior wood putty, but badly damaged siding boards need to be removed and replaced with new, intact material.

Liquid Plumber Substitutes | HomeSteady

You may not want to use Liquid Plumber, since it can be harsh on your pipes and the environment. Certain ingredients that you may already have in your home can be used as a natural alternative to Liquid Plumber. Save your family from harsh fumes and save your pipes from damage by trying something other than Liquid Plumber to clear your drain. Salt and Water If the clog is mild, mix 1/2 cup salt with 4 liters of hot water.