
How to Mix Wood Floors & Walls

Many homeowners are curious about how to bring together several types of wood finishes in one room. A modern den may have cherry paneling and cabinets while the floors in the house may be a dark finished wide plank style hardwood floor. To complicate matters, a homeowner will often have an antique table or chair with yet another color of wood finish. Determining how to bring different wood colors together can go a long way toward making a room feel well designed and comfortable.

How to Unlock a Wolf Ceramic Cooktop

Wolf Appliance Inc. makes a range of electric-heated, ceramic-glass cooktops. Locking a cooktop prevents children from activating a burner or any other control functions while unsupervised. All use of the controls is restricted until the cooktop's lock is switched off. Ceramic cooktops hide the electric cooking elements beneath a sheet of reinforced glass. Unlocking your Wolf ceramic cooktop takes just a few seconds. Look in the bottom right corner of your Wolf ceramic cooktop.

How to Measure a Rank of Firewood

Be wary of buying wood that is cross-stacked as you may be getting a bad deal. Firewood is measured either by the cord, the cubic meter or the cubic foot. When it is measured by meter or foot, wood is “ranked” by stacking all separate pieces parallel to each other. Ranking is the proper way to measure wood. Measure a rank of firewood. It reduces the amount of space between the individual pieces, thereby giving you the largest quantity for your money.

How to Tighten Galvanized Pipe

Galvanized piping is a relic from the plumbing past, typically found in older homes. The pipe is made from galvanized steel, which is metal that has been treated with several layers of zinc alloy to prevent corrosion and rust. Although galvanized piping suits a number of uses, it is no longer the best choice for modern indoor plumbing because of its susceptibility to clogging due to inner corrosion. At connection points with fittings and joints, the pipes can become loose and require tightening.

How to Protect an AC Condenser From the Sun

Air conditioners require the use of a condenser to keep the cool air flow functioning properly. Condensers are located on the sides of an air conditioning system, and they're regularly exposed to weather elements such as sunshine, wind and rain. The sun can heat up a condenser and make the system work harder to keep its air cool, resulting in overload. Protecting your AC condenser from the sun can help it last longer and run more efficiently.

How to Build a Stone Wall at a Driveway Entrance

Stone walls complement the colors and textures of plants while adding structure to the overall appearance of a landscape. Building one at a driveway entrance makes a striking first impression and helps the driveway stand out. Dry-stacking stones is a mortarless installation method that results in an organic, classic look. Mortarless walls are also easier to remove or change if you decide to do so. Stone walls add visual interest and texture to a driveway.

The Traditional Height for Beadboard

Beadboard is a common material used to panel an entire wall or wainscot the bottom portion of a room. Beadboard consists of a series of connected boards that have small grooves, or beads, between each of the attached planks. Beadboard comes in a traditional height that can be cut down to fit a particular area. The standard height of a beadboard panel is 8 feet. Standard Height The standard height of a beadboard panel is 8 feet, the same height as the average non-vaulted ceiling in a home.

Examples of Harmful Chemical Reactions

While many chemical reactions are critical to life—the conversion, for instance, of nutrients to water and carbon dioxide, a process that also yields the energy used to fuel cells—still others are quite dangerous. Bucket of cleaning supplies Many toxin-liberating or potentially explosive chemical reactions aren’t encountered outside the controlled environment of a laboratory, as the required reagents are rare or controlled, but even household substances, if mixed in the wrong combinations, can liberate poisonous vapors.

What Detergent Has a High Phosphate Level?

Table of Contents Phosphates Environmental Issues Laundry Detergents Dishwasher Detergents Legislation Modern laundry detergents no longer contain phosphates due to a ban passed in 1993. The law, however, did not apply to dishwasher detergents, many of which still contain phosphates; some states are moving to ban (or at least limit) phosphates in such detergents.

Acrylic Versus Polyester Fabric on Furniture

Choosing the right fabric for the furniture in your home depends on whether or not you have children and pets. Both fabrics offer advantages and disadvantages. Acrylic and polyester are both man-made fabrics with a long history. The first acrylic fibers were offered in a proprietary product -- Orlon -- generated by the DuPont company and marketed as a wool substitute in the 1940s. DuPont also bought the rights to the polyester fibers created by some British scientists in 1946, naming their version of the polyester Dacron, which the company marketed in the 1950s.