
What Are the Benefits of Caulking?

There is a reason why the caulk needs to be checked in various areas around a house or building, to make certain that it remains in good condition. Caulking provides several benefits that you may not notice unless the caulking job isn't done properly, or if the caulk is somehow removed. Caulking around a window protects more than just the window frame. In either case, you'll eventually notice problems.

How to Troubleshoot a Mitsubishi Electric Heat Pump With the P8 Code

Since the 1950s, Mitsubishi Electric has produced heating and air-conditioning systems for homes and commercial buildings. Mitsubishi Electric offers mainly split-zoning systems made up of an outdoor unit connected to up to eight indoor units. In this way, the temperature of each room in your home or office can be set separately using a remote controller. You may see a P8 error code on the wall or remote controller display, meaning a problem exists with the outdoor heat pump unit.

How to Recover the Cushions of a Stork Craft Glider Rocker & Ottoman

Stork Craft makes glider rockers and matching ottomans. They are popular for nurseries because they are comfortable enough to sit up with a baby and still get a little rest. They consist of a wooden frame with built-in gliding mechanisms. The cushions are fabric-covered foam. Stork Craft glider rockers are popular for nurseries. If you would like to change the look of your Stork Craft glider rocker and its matching ottoman, it is only a matter of removing the existing fabric covering from the cushions and sewing a new one.

How to Remove a Spool on a Toro 910 Trimmer

Toro 910 Electric Trimmers (model numbers 51230, 51235 and 51236) use a cutting head with a pre-wound spool containing 12 feet of monofilament cutting line to tackle weeds and grass-edging projects. Whether you need to remove a spool to rewind the line, add new line, clean the spool and drum area or replace the entire assembly because of damage or wear, you can easily access and remove the spool with a simple flat-headed screwdriver.

How to Remove Odor in a House Vent

Dealing with odors coming from heating vents can be maddening, particularly when the odor smells of rotten eggs or dead animals.You'd like to think your house is not only clean but tightly sealed against invasion from the outside. Heating systems provide paths for odors. Unfortunately, though, microbes and mice often find a way into walls and heating systems from the surrounding soil. Traps dry out or freeze, and small children and their pets can squeeze objects down into floor vents that should never be there.

What Is Causing a Mildew Smell in My Bathroom if I Have No Visible Signs of Mold?

Table of Contents Types of Mold Dangers of Mold Hidden Mold Locations Cleaning Mold Preventing Mold You won't necessarily see evidence of mold in your home; mold is ubiquitous, and you may have hidden mold in damp areas, such as your bathroom. If you smell mildew in your bathroom, it may be behind wallpaper or drywall, underneath flooring or in the attic.

DIY Wall-Mounted Fold-Away Chair | HomeSteady

Instructions for a simple wall-mounted folding chair. The chair seat is solid wood, connected to a wall with heavy door hinges. The wooden support allows the chair hold weight. The chair can be folded when not in use. DIY Wall-Mounted Fold-Away Chair Wall-mounted folding chairs are the perfect solution for tight spaces, like a crowded foyer or mudroom. Take a seat, put on or take off your shoes or boots, then fold it back up against the wall.

How to Modify Stair Stringers

Stair stringers are the diagonal braces that run alongside and support the treads, or steps, and risers of the stair case. The stringer is notched to fit the horizontal tread and the vertical riser to create a certain angle of staircase. This is based on the height of the landing, and the distance from the face of the landing to the face of the bottom stair. The height of the steps on a prefabricated stringer can be modified to suit your needs.

How to Calculate Chimney Size for a Fireplace

Inefficient burning and poor smoke extraction are possible consequences of mismatching a fireplace and a chimney, so correctly calculating the chimney size is important. Additionally, chimneys are subject to legal control and you must comply with local and state regulations concerning the minimum cross-sectional area. Calculating the correct chimney size involves determining the fireplace opening area, or the area of the connection to the chimney, and applying that information to the formula stipulated in your local building regulations.

How to Build a Wraparound Porch

A porch can be a tremendously attractive addition to the exterior of a home. There are many options available for porches and many styles to choose from. Wraparound porches, otherwise known as veranda- or Colonial-style porches, are a common sight in older homes, but there is no reason why they cannot be added to a newer home if the conditions are right and there is enough land to work with.