Fleas are a common problem for any pet that regularly goes outside. Once a pet is infested, it brings fleas into your home where they can quickly multiply. Even if you do not have a pet, it is possible for fleas to infest your home, especially during the colder months come when they need a warm place to live.
Salt is an inexpensive and useful flea killer. Common solutions for flea infestations are bug sprays and bug bombs, but some people prefer a more natural solution.
Table of Contents Advantages of Oxygen Bleach Advantages of Chlorine Bleach Using Chlorine Bleach Using Oxygen Bleach Safety Bleach is one recommended cleaning solution for wood decks. However, there are two types of bleach that garner similar results with different processes and advantages. Choose either chlorine bleach or oxygen bleach, depending on your needs and on your deck.
Cuts for baseboard trim can be made with a circular saw. Most circular saws have a lever that allows the user to use the tool to cut at the desired angles. Buy the trim and cut it yourself to spruce up your house and save money on a remodel.
Cutting baseboard trim yourself is easier than you think Things You Will Need + Safety goggles Measuring tape Carpenter's pencil Carpenter's square Trim pieces Circular saw Saw horses Caulk Make a diagram of the areas to be covered with new baseboard molding.
Recycling old tires into mulch for your flower beds, walkways or play area is a green way to help the environment. Charles Sanders writes in "Backwoods Home" magazine that there is almost one scrap tire for every person in the United States, with Americans throwing away almost 281 million tires in 2001 alone.
Rubber can be shredded into small pieces for mulch. Rubber mulch breaks down much more slowly than traditional wood mulch, helping keep the used tires out of landfills.
Removing surface rust from stainless steel is important to ensure that deep pitting and irreversible corrosion do not happen. Thankfully, it is relatively easy to remove surface rust if you catch it early on.
Avoid surface rust on polished stainless steel by regularly checking and cleaning. Things You Will Need + Glass cleaner Non-abrasive scourer Paper towel White vinegar Baking soda Stainless steel rust remover Water Household appliances that routinely come into contact with water, such as kettles, juicers, percolators or food processors are more at risk of surface rust; outdoor items like barbecue grills are also susceptible and should be checked for rust development.
Older trailers built before 1976 conform to different building codes than those built later. Because of this, many of these older homes require repair and remodeling to be brought up to local building codes.
While repairing mobile homes is possible, determining the cost and time of repair depends on the age and condition of the mobile home.
Things You Will Need + Bottle jacks Cinder blocks Wood Claw hammer Pry bar Roof sealant Silvercoat Plastic Mop Windows Doors Floor tile R-19 insulation Drywall Caulking Weatherstripping Drywall tape and screws Paint Paintbrushes Paint rollers Motion-detection lighting Tip Create a schedule for every phase of the project, and develop a budget both for each individual phase and for the project as a whole.
According to the Wisconsin House Rabbit Society, rabbits live an average of eight to 12 years. Since rabbits are soft, cuddly, and social, they are popular house pets. If you own a rabbit, you will most likely take it out of its cage for a certain amount of time each day to play.
Rabbits can have accidents on your wood floor. You may let the rabbit hop across your floor.
A bug zapper is more formally known as electrical discharge insect control system and is a common method of killing insects outside. In order to be effective, these devices must perform two separate functions. Bug zappers must attract the insects in some way and they must provide enough electricity to kill them.
Bug zappers are commercially available and the basic design has not changed since they were invented in 1934.
Changing a circuit breaker in your main panel is not as daunting a task as you might think. In most cases, you can do it yourself with a few safety precautions and save the cost of paying an electrician. However, working with electricity always involves some risk. Be alert for danger signs. Make sure you fully understand the process before attempting to make repairs yourself, and call a professional if you run into any difficulty.
During the winter months, roofs also have to withstand the significant weight pressures from wet snow and ice. Gable and other roof styles that are constructed with angles can shed large amounts of snow as it gradually melts. Flat roofs, however, do not have angles to allow snow to slide off the roof structure as it melts. This inability to shed snow makes it important to calculate how much snow a flat roof can support without structural damage.