
How do I Bend Wood Beams?

Bending wood beams is a fascinating process that works by saturating the wood with enough water so that it bends rather than breaks. This works best with thinner pieces of wood, but even thick beams can bend slightly with enough water saturation. Wood beams can be bent into unique shapes. Things You Will Need + PVP pipe large enough to fit the beam inside Large clamps Medium density fiberboard Cork Glue Beams Electric saw Pencil Hot plate Container to hold hot water Hose Tea kettle 2 PVP end caps Drill Duct tape Thick gloves This project can be dangerous, so take all safety precautions possible such as eye and hand protection.

How to Get Rid of Ink on a Book Cover

Perhaps you fell asleep while doing your homework, and when you woke up, your marker was leaking all over your history book. Or perhaps your pen broke open in your bag, leaking all over the new novel you just got at the book sale. Whatever the cause, ink on a book cover is a disappointing sight to see. Things You Will Need + Paper towels Lighter fluid Hairspray Sponge Soap With a little care and a solvent you may already have in your home, you can remove ink, even from the fabric cover of a book.

DIY Porch Kits | HomeSteady

The great thing about DIY porch kits is that the kits contain just about everything you need to build the enclosure in a neat package. Depending on the kit you select, you may be required to purchase some lumber and do some fine-tuning to prepare the porch. This porch is a perfect candidate for a DIY project. Purchase a kit that is designed to fit the configurations of your porch or can be adjusted accordingly.

Limestone vs. Marble for Floors

Limestone and marble are both natural stones that make beautiful, long-lasting floors. The stones have similar qualities, but create a very different look. Your main consideration in choosing between limestone and marble will probably be personal taste, followed by cost and durability. Limestone and marble floors may have intricate inlays. Aesthetics Although limestone and marble are both natural stones, they have a very different look and feel. Limestone usually has a soft, natural, matte finish suitable for contemporary homes or homes with a Tuscan flavor.

How to Remove Caulk From Drywall

Caulking of any type is a highly adhesive substance. The material grabs onto and holds virtually any surface. Removing caulk from most surface, such as porcelain or tile, is relatively easy without damaging the surface. However, the porous nature of drywall, causes it to hold onto caulk, making it difficult to remove. Caulking around a tub can damage drywall or wallpaper if not removed carefully. A razor blade, some spackle and spare paint can remove caulking without leaving any trace of the material.

How to Use a Jute Cord to Repair a Chair Seat

If you have an old chair with a sagging seat, it is possible the springs have become loose overtime. If so, a strong material such as jute cord is an affordable and easy fix for this problem. You can use the jute cord to secure the springs, saving your chair from being further damaged or discarded. When upholstering a piece of furniture, it is important to check the stability of the chair's seat and frame before recovering the piece.

How to Fix a Stucco Wall

Stucco is a popular exterior siding material because it is attractive, durable and long-lasting. But stucco is not indestructible. Cracks, chips and gouges can appear no matter how lovingly your home is cared for, and if you don’t repair stucco walls quickly, the damage can get worse. Fortunately, it’s not that hard to fix damaged stucco. Working quickly is important, because stucco dries fast, but if you plan ahead and don’t dawdle, you can repair cracked stucco without having to call in a professional.

How to Calculate MOCP | HomeSteady

MOCP (maximum overcurrent protection) refers to the maximum allowable circuit breaker of a particular electrical unit that will correctly shut off power to equipment that is malfunctioning. MCOP is most commonly calculated for electrical heaters that are going to be installed in homes or buildings. Accurately computing MOCP values is an important safety protocol in the event of an electrical failure or problem. People near the electrical wiring or equipment could be hurt if the MOCP values of the equipment were incorrectly determined, resulting in an ineffective circuit breaker.

Removing Cat Scratches | HomeSteady

It can be very frustrating to find cat scratches on the dining table or the pricey leather sofa. But claw marks don’t mean your favorite furniture is ruined. Light scratches might only require a good buffing to remove them. Even deeper gouges can be improved with some basic household and hardware store supplies (and a little patience). Keep in mind that the most successful method depends on both the depth of the scratch and the type of surface.

How to Troubleshoot an Echo Weedeater

Echo weedeaters allow amateurs and professionals to maintain clean looking, freshly cut lawns. While lawnmowers are best suited to large open areas, weedeaters are perfect for quickly and efficiently trimming weeds and grasses in locations that lawnmowers can’t reach due to their size. Learn how to troubleshoot and repair an Echo Weedeater. Additionally, Echo weedeaters are more portable than lawnmowers and are perfect for trimming the grass around edges near sidewalks and driveways.