Kale, a common garden vegetable related to cabbage and other cole crops, is a member of the Brassica genus, with a number of species and cultivars for the garden. Kale serves as a tasty vegetable whether it's cooked or raw. But you're not the only one who likes to munch on kale; many bug species also love eating kale.
If insect pests have turned your kale garden bed into an all-you-can-eat salad buffet, take action.
Manufacturers place film over the glass panels in French doors to protect the glass during shipping and handling. Once your door is painted or stained and installed, it is safe to remove the film. The longer the film is left on the glass, the harder it will be to remove.
Exposure to heat and sunlight causes the adhesive to melt on and the plastic to yellow, creating a big ugly mess.
Table of Contents R-Wrap Tar Paper StrongSeal Zip System Foil Insulation Insulated Concrete Form Tyvek is such a commonly used brand of housewrap that sometimes people forget that there are alternatives to it.
Housewrap goes under the siding in a structure. Tarp-like housewraps or other vapor barriers are an important part of keeping moisture and rot from entering the roofs and walls of a building.
More than 15 million U.S. households depend on private wells for their water supply, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It is imperative to keep well water that is consumed by humans and domestic animals free of bacteria and chemicals that can compromise health.
Take the proper precautions to ensure healthy drinking water. While public water supplies are protected by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards and regulations, it is left to private well owners to test their well water's safety for use and to protect the well to prevent water contamination.
The green iguana (Iguana iguana) can grow to 5 feet long with the proper care. These lizards need large enclosures with plenty of climbing perches and the correct substrate. Avoid particulate substrates, like sand, gravel, bark chips and coconut husk, which are easy for the lizard to ingest as it eats. These materials can cause digestive impaction and potentially death. Instead, use an easy-to-clean or easy-to-change substrate to keep your iguana healthy.
Replacing a toilet flapper is an easy DIY toilet repair. Learn how to repair and replace toilet flappers in this free online home improvement video, with DIY home repair tips from a professional handyman.
If you have an old metal bed covered in layers of peeling paint or painted an unattractive color, you can strip the paint from the metal. While stripping paint from wood can be a long, hard job involving lots of scraping and sanding, paint strips away from metal fairly easily and cleanly because metal is nonporous. Once you've removed all the paint from your metal bed, you can repaint it to your liking or polish and restore the metal finish.
Exercise caution around a cracked window to ensure you do not encounter broken fragments not readily visible. A window hit with a heavy object or exposed to sudden pressure may crack. A crack not promptly fixed can grow much larger.
Things You Will Need + Gloves Clear tape Clear nail polish If it extends across the width or length of a window, cold weather can enter, posing a threat to the safety and well being of the occupants.
Covering part or all of the ceiling joists in the attic is a cheap way to make use of wasted space. Installing the subfloor is the easy part. The difficulty comes from the precise measurement and cutting required and the labor of getting the sheets of underlayment in place.
Measure and cut the flooring material carefully to fit the attic joists. Since ceiling joists are 24 inches on center and wood subfloor material comes in 4-foot by 8-foot sheets, you can potentially use a lot of whole sheets with no need for cutting.
Rattan area rugs are high-quality, durable flooring options that can protect hardwood floors while adding an additional design element or splash of color to a room. These thin rugs fit nearly any decor, and are woven with small nylon fibers that are designed to withstand years of wear and tear without deteriorating the quality of the rug. Cleaning the rugs is an easy task, requiring a cleaning procedure similar to the way any basic carpeting would be cleaned.