How to Remove Markings From a PVC Pipe

You can use different methods to remove the ink printed markings on the surface of a PVC pipe. Most methods use harsh chemicals and cleaners like acetone and mineral spirits to break down the ink. No single chemical or cleaner removes all types of ink printed markings from PVC pipe, and all types release harmful vapors that irritate your skin, eyes and lungs. Sanding is a method of removing manufacturer printing that does not involve chemicals or cleaners and creates a proper bonding surface for paint, if you intend to paint the PVC pipe.

How to Remove Smoke Smell From Wood Furniture

A fire or years of smoke from a fireplace or cigarettes can cause a lingering smoke smell. Odor from smoke can accumulate on various surfaces and last for days, weeks or even months. Not only does the smoke leave an unpleasant smell, but it will also cover your wood furniture with a greasy film. Before treating the smoke odor, you must remove the greasy film left behind from the smoke.

How to Remove Stickers From Suede

Suede leathers have a delicate, unfinished surface that makes them difficult to clean. While sticker-removing solutions will work on finished leathers, they can permanently damage suede textures. Sticker residue can be difficult to remove from suede. If you’ve put a sticker on your suede jacket that has left a sticky residue, you will need to follow special steps to clean it off. Things You Will Need + Tweezers Pencil eraser Fingernail file Suede brush Tip Never use adhesive removal solutions on suede, as they can permanently damage the texture and nap.

How to Repair Lazy Boy Upholstery

The La-Z-Boy corporation designs, manufactures and markets many types of furniture and produces both living room and bedroom furnishings. A popular material for covering La-Z-Boy furniture is fabric upholstery. While durable, you can damage fabric upholstery, but you can also repair it. Fabric upholstery is typically colored to make matching sets of living and bedroom furniture. In addition, fabric upholstery is readily available at most craft stores and sewing supply stores.

How to Replace Wood in Park Benches

There is nothing quite as useless as a beautiful bench, in a perfect spot, with a seat and back too worn to sit on. A well-maintained bench can add enjoyment to any yard or park. Even a novice carpenter can replace the wooden parts in almost any park bench with just a little spare time and some common tools. Park benches can fit in with your landscaping. Things You Will Need + Drill and screw bit Pliers or wrench Tape measure Carpenter's quick square Circular power saw, jig saw or handsaw Table saw (optional) Lumber in the dimension of the bench slats Machine screws, nuts and locking washers Sander or sanding block and sandpaper Stain and lacquer or paint Paintbrush Disassemble the Bench Remove all of the screws that hold the original wooden pieces in place with a drill, screw bit and pliers.

What's a Non-Conforming Basement Bedroom?

Having a non-conforming basement bedroom rather than a conforming bedroom can make the difference between life and death. Conforming bedrooms meet legal requirements to ensure that the bedroom is safe, including the use of egress windows in case of an emergency. Other factors may determine whether a basement bedroom is non-conforming, depending on the laws in your area. General Information Non-conforming basement bedrooms may not have an egress window. A non-conforming basement bedroom derives this name by not conforming to a municipality's building codes.

How to Build a Bog Filter for a Pond

Bog filters, sometimes called veggie or vegetable filters, remove organic and inorganic waste from pond water. A pump forces water through PVC pipe buried in pea gravel. The pea gravel traps the waste and the bog plants planted in the gravel use the waste as food, removing it from the filter. Bog plants are marginal plants that enjoy wet roots but don't like being submerged in water. Cattails, ribbon grass and sweetflag are all examples of bog plants.

How to Change a Combination Lock on a Cash Box

Combination locks have been keeping our bicycles, briefcases, gym locker and cash boxes safe for nearly 900 years. A typical combination lock can be manipulated with a screwdriver so you can change the combination. First documented by Muslim engineer Al-Jazari in his work, The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices, the combination lock uses a series of rotating discs, or cams, that when aligned properly, allow a locking pin or latch to be released.

How to Clean Pepper Spray Off Walls

If you’ve been sprayed with or have inhaled pepper spray, you likely know just how strong and menacing it is. Causing eye tearing, trouble breathing and a host of other issues, pepper spray is often used for self-defense. Remove pepper spray from your wall using non-oil based soap. When sprayed, it can reach other surfaces, such as walls, where it can linger and affect those who may breathe it. Clean off pepper spray from walls and other surfaces as soon as possible.

How to Fix Sagging Cupboard Doors

Over time, even the best built cupboard and cabinet doors can begin to sag and bind a little. Just think about the number of times a kitchen cupboard door is opened in just one year--and then multiply that by 10 years--and even you would probably begin to sag a little. Fortunately, fixing a sagging cupboard door is a pretty straightforward job and often only takes a few minutes. Here's how to do it.