Why Are Toilet Seats Split in the Front?

The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials requires U-shaped toilet seats in public restrooms, and there's nothing to stop a homeowner from installing one in a home bathroom. A split toilet seat in a bathroom. Many theories concerning this requirement exist; according to association representative Lynne Simnick, they were invented mainly for women. Reasons for a Split Seat One theory concerning the origin of the U-shaped toilet seat is that it's a safeguard against unsanitary male toilet habits.

How Do I Change a Plug on an A/C?

Power cords are one of the main sources of problems with window air conditioning units. As you plug and unplug the cords over time, the wires inside the cord can come apart or even short circuit, causing a faulty or burnt power cord. Changing a power cord requires utilizing a few simple tools---and the right type of replacement power cord. Faulty cords are a major source of air conditioner problems.

How to Clean Shingles With Oxy Bleach

Roof shingles become dirty over time. They are exposed to wind, rain and other weather elements that not only cause dirt to form on the shingles, but also mold and mildew. Stained shingles take away from the overall neat appearance of the exterior of the home. You can successfully clean shingles by using oxygen bleach. Unlike chlorine bleach, oxygen (oxy) bleach will not discolor or damage the shingles. When oxy bleach is used, oxygen is released for cleaning and bleaching stains without distorting the color.

How to Connect PVC to a Cast Iron Soil Stack

Whether you're remodeling a single room or retrofitting an entire house, there may come a time when you have to join newer PVC pipe with older cast iron sewer lines. Cast iron was once a common material for sewer lines and is still present in many older homes. You can join PVC and cast iron pipe with a flexible union. Things You Will Need + Nut driver Flexible coupling When remodeling, PVC is a popular choice due to its light weight, low cost and easy installation.

How to Get Gum Off of a Wall

Because of its sticky consistency and ability to adhere to almost any surface, bubble gum may be one of the toughest types of stains to remove. Despite its reputation, however, gum is not that tough to remove from walls. With a few household items, you can remove gum from your walls with only a little time and effort. Bubble gum that ends up on your walls can usually be removed quickly.

How to Mount a Flagpole Bracket to Brick

Homeowners mount flagpoles to their brick homes so they can display their patriotism by flying the American flag or their state flag. Some also display decorative flags to mark holidays or the change of seasons. A flagpoles is placed in wall-mounted brackets that has two or four holes to secure the bracket, depending its size. Screws are included with the bracket for mounting on wood or other siding. Mounting a flagpole bracket on a brick wall requires installing masonry anchors to hold the pole securely in position.

How to Move a Dryer Vent's Hose From the Back to the Side

The vent hose helps a dryer disperse its excess hot air into the atmosphere. Vent hoses are typically attached to dryer vents that lead to the outside. A hose clamp holds the dryer hose in place on the back of the vent. Typically these vents are installed towards the back of the dryer but they can be located just about anywhere as needed. You can move your dryer's vent hose from the back to the side, for example, without much trouble.

How to Remove Ballpoint Pen Ink From Patent Leather

Patent leather is leather that has a high gloss, shiny finish. The finish is normally a type of plastic coating but can also be a lacquer coating. Patent leather is commonly used to make shoes, handbags, wallets and trench coats. If it comes in contact with ballpoint pen ink, the ink can be removed. Patent leather is a leather with a high gloss, shiny finish. It is easiest to remove the ink while the ink is still fresh and hasn't set into the leather.

How to Upgrade a Mobile Home

While a mobile home is inexpensive compared with a stick-built home, you can upgrade it inside and out with modern materials and paint. Taking time to research and determine a style, such as contemporary, mid-century modern, country, shabby chic or eclectic, speeds the process of renovating and redecorating the space. With imagination and careful planning, an old mobile home can become an updated contemporary home. Repurposing and reusing your existing furnishings helps control the budget.

Is There an Outdoor Paneling for a Porch?

Adding a porch to your home or upgrading an existing porch will add value to your home and provide additional usable space. However, if it's open to the elements, the materials you use on a porch must greater withstand moisture levels and more temperature changes that indoor products. Outdoor paneling for a porch is usually the same as the paneling used indoors, but with a sealant that provides additional protection.