When you have a hardwood floor in the bathroom, urine can often come into contact with the floor and leave behind a strong smell. The smell can quickly take over the entire bathroom area and make the room seem unclean and uninviting. To get rid of the urine odor, use something that deodorizes and actually breaks up the enzymes in the urine. Do this with an inexpensive cleaner made from household items.
An old-fashioned broom is a home cleaning staple. Brooms are inexpensive, and because they rely on elbow grease instead of technology, there is no fear of your broom breaking down in the middle of cleaning day. Brooms are great for sweeping up broken glass and dirt on hard floors.
Clean up dry messes quickly with an upright broom. It’s important to hold your broom correctly and move gently in order to protect your back from pulled muscles and strain.
Where you sleep can be as important as how long, especially for people with joint and back pain. An injury, whether work- or sports-related, or an old injury that occurred many years earlier, can continue to cause pain and discomfort. Some choose to turn to chiropractors for relief.
Your mattress can determine how well you sleep. These professionals use joint realignment and manipulation to relieve chronic pain. In addition to therapy, they also sometimes recommend specific types of mattresses to alleviate symptoms.
Humid indoor air provides an ideal environment for household allergens to thrive. Air conditioning dehumidifies the air but, at the time of publication, it can cost more than $100 per month in electricity every month. Dehumidifiers use less electricity, are just as effective and you can place them anywhere you want.
Typical Wattage Dehumidifiers use as little as 350 W of electricity and as much as 785 W. Air conditioning, on the other hand, requires about 3,500 W.
In recent years, outdoor fire pits have become popular with many homeowners. There is sometimes confusion regarding fire pit regulations in communities, and Spokane, Washington is no exception.
Fire pits are allowed in Spokane, with some exceptions. Outdoor burning has been banned in Spokane since May, 2009; however, burning in fire pits and recreational fires are still allowed with some exceptions, as of May, 2011.
Fire Pit Regulations in Spokane County Burning in outdoor fire pits is permitted in Spokane, provided the fire is no higher than 2 feet and no larger than 3 feet in diameter.
Hockey gear is typically bulky, and too large to fit in the washing machine. While hockey gear can become soiled quickly, it is important to know how to clean these items effectively, and with little effort required. There are some retail products that claim to clean sports equipment, but these can be costly, and no more effective than a simple homemade solution.
Washable Gear Jerseys, pants, pads, and gloves can be thrown right into a washing machine, with a cup of white vinegar and a cup of baking soda or washing soda (available with laundry detergent in any grocery store).
A wind mill harnesses the power of the wind to lift water from an underground source to the surface, where it flows either directly into fields or into storage tanks. Invented in Connecticut in 1854 by Daniel Halladay, the American version of the windmill could lift water from hundreds of feet below the surface.
Windmills have served agricultural and industrial needs for at least 2,000 years. Things You Will Need + Water well Windmill Wind odometer (optional) Tip Some modern windmill manufacturers include Aermotor, Dempster and Baker Monitor.
A pyramid hip roof follows a specific set of criteria. The sides of a hip style roof slope downward to meet the exterior walls of the house. Pyramid hip roofs consist of four equal-sized triangular sections converging in a single point. Roofingkey.
A dihedral angle is formed by two adjoining planes. com asserts that pyramid style roofs give increased resistance to damaging winds. After taking a quick inventory of the roof’s dimensions, calculating the inner and exterior angles turns into a simple matter of mathematics.
If you buy a Victorian house or an old hotel that was built in the 1800s, you may find you are the proud owner of antique tin ceilings. Why not restore them to their original beauty? You may be removing old lead paint at the same time, so this process requires many protective measures due to toxicity and safety issues.
Restoring antique ceiling tins adds beauty to an old home.
A proprietary and trademarked formula made by 3M, Scotchgard adds a protective coating to upholstery and carpets to help them resist staining and soiling. Dirt and debris wear down this coating with age, so you must add the protectant to your couch if you've recently cleaned it.
If your dog sleeps on your couch, you can protect it with Scotchgard instead of towels. Do not apply the product to a dirty couch or one that has specific care labels advising against it.