Vinyl Lattice Fence Building Instructions

Vinyl lattice fencing is made of poly vinyl chloride. PVC is an excellent fence material choice for damp climates. PVC lasts longer than treated wood, with less maintenance during the life of the fence. Vinyl lattice fencing panels are sold ready to install, and come in pre-fabricated 4 x 8 foot panels. Vinyl lattice fence panels must be mounted on a sturdy framework of posts and rails. The types of frameworks available include pre-fabricated vinyl, galvanized steel tubing, or pressure treated wood.

What Can Cause Black Soot on White Window Blinds?

White window blinds tend to attract ordinary household particulates and require regular dusting. However, a layer of black soot indicates a more serious problem. Soot is a nuisance to clean, and it can ultimately affect the health those exposed. While the sudden appearance of black soot may seem mysterious, in most instances, it can be traced to familiar sources in the home. Candles Candles add a soft glow and romantic touch to any room.

Cost of Chipseal Vs. Paving

Chipseal and repaving are two options for resurfacing an existing road or driveway. These methods can extend the life of a road or driveway, and avoid the cost of entirely rebuilding the pathway. Paved roads and driveways typically consist of a cement foundation with a layer of asphalt on top. The condition of the existing road or driveway is an important factor when deciding how to resurface. Chipseal Chipseal is a common treatment applied to roads in good condition to smooth the driving surface.

How to Clean Tape Residue From Tile

Remove tape residue with a damp paper towel, citrus solvent or a hair dryer; any of these may soften the adhesive. Scrape the residue away with a plastic tool. Tape residue creates a sticky, unsightly mess on tile. The sticky adhesive attracts dust and dirt, making the problem area even more obvious. Use several methods to remove the residue, starting with the gentlest methods first, such as soapy water or rubbing alcohol.

How to Get Gesso Out of Clothes

Gesso, an artist's primer for acrylic and oil paints, is a necessity when painting on canvas. The thin, slightly chalky material is usually water-based and dries quickly to a hard, textured surface suitable for painting. Use vinegar to dissolve acrylic gesso. You should wear a smock or old clothing when using gesso, because it can be difficult to remove once it dries. If you do get gesso on your clothes, the most important thing is to act quickly -- it can be cleaned, but not if you wait too long.

How to Protect Wrought Iron

Wrought iron has been used for centuries for fencing, gates and outdoor furniture because of its durability and fireproof nature. It is also a great outdoor choice because it is impervious to insects, strong and resistant to rot. The only thing that iron can not stand up against is rust. Simple semi-annual maintenance will keep your wrought iron from suffering the ravages of rust, but it should be re-coated every five years.

How to Remove Attached Sofa Cushions

If you have an upholstered sofa with cushions permanently sewn onto the fabric, you may need to remove the cushions at some point to replace the cushion fabric or replace the filling inside the cushion. Expect the process to be tedious but not overly difficult. Removing thread can be a tedious task. Once you get started, you will see that the project is straightforward. Things You Will Need + Fingernail clippers Tweezers Warning If you rip the thread out at any time, you risk tearing the upholstery material on the sofa or on the cushions.

How to Repair a BFS Window

Installing new BFS replacement windows is a snap. You will need an assistant to help you level and install the new BFS window sash, but for the most part this project can be done solo. Replacing windows in your home is a great way to save a lot of money on energy bills, and doing it yourself will save you the cost of hiring a professional to install them. This job takes one to two hours to do per window.

How to Store a Dishwasher

When you store a dishwasher for an extended period, pay close attention to the water supply lines that connect to the unit. If you allow water to stay stagnant in these lines, it may damage the dishwasher over time. Store a dishwasher indefinitely after taking the proper steps to prepare it. When you will not be using a dishwasher, store it properly. You can store the dishwasher unused without moving it or you can also uninstall the dishwasher and store it as long as you prepare it properly first.

What Kind of Insulation Should Be Put Under a Concrete Slab in a Garage?

Generally, installing insulation under a concrete slab in a garage is not incorporated into the building of a new home. Usually, a homeowner does not think about insulation under the garage floor until the cold of the winter. At that point, it is impractical to insulate under the existing slab without tearing up the existing floor or installing an insulate floor on top of the slab. It is best to plan for and install insulation under the concrete slab from the start.