Can I Replace Just a Section of My Parquet Floor?

Parquet floors consist of either individual pieces of wood or parquet tiles. You can replace sections of either kind of parquet floors without affecting the rest of the floor.

Removing Parquet

Parquet floor

To remove the damaged or worn section of parquet, cut it every 2 inches with a circular saw set to the depth of the parquet. Keep clear of the surrounding parquet tiles or pieces. Pry up the cut pieces with a chisel, and scrape up the old adhesive.

Replacing Parquet

Take the pieces of parquet you removed from the floor to your local home improvement store, and buy a replacement that matches the color and grain of the original. If your parquet floor consists of parquet tiles, check the basement, garage and attic for leftover tiles from the original installation.

Installing Replacement Parquet

For inlaid parquet, cut the wood to fit, and affix it in place with polyvinyl glue. For parquet tiles, saw off the tongues on the side of each replacement tile. Break up the tongues of the tiles surrounding the gap with a hammer and chisel. Glue the new parquet tile in place with polyvinyl glue.
