Faux Stone Painting Techniques | HomeSteady
Creating the look of stone is a fun faux finishing project. It involves several simple techniques, so it provides a great opportunity for a beginner to practice before tackling more complicated assignments. Painters can use a variety of tools, such as sea sponges, rags and plastic bags to mimic the naturally irregular surface of stone. The most difficult part is settling on one of the nearly endless varieties of stone to replicate.
Walls can be faux finished to look like real stone.Select a sample stone surface to use as your model. Prime your surface if painting over an area that is glossy or unpainted. Choose a base paint that is the basic overall color of the stone you are going to imitate. Use a latex-based paint for normal interior conditions and an oil-based paint for exterior faux painting. Apply one or two coats of paint to achieve full coverage.
Mix several different similar shades of glaze. Use three parts glaze, one part base paint and several drops of tint in different earth tones for each glaze. Refer to your sample when mixing appropriate glaze colors. Keep variations between glazes subtle for a more realistic decorative finish.
Apply and remove glazes using different techniques, overlapping the various shades. Brush on with a chip brush and soften with a handful of bunched-up rags. Dip with sea sponge directly in the glaze, remove excess glaze with a rag and pounce sponge on the surface. Experiment with crumpled plastic bags to disperse paint. Soften and blend surface with a flat pad of rags, if necessary. Allow glazed surface to dry completely before adding faux mortar.
Draw the outline of your stone shapes with chalk. Tint your base paint to mix the desired color of your faux mortar. Paint around your stones. Apply two coats if necessary.