How to Apply Elastomeric Roof Coating

Elastomeric roof coating is a product designed to heal slight damage to roofing materials as well as protect the surface. "By fixing their granules, it prevents the deterioration of shingles and membranes as well as damages caused by shoveling and ice movements," states the roof sealant experts at Techniseal.

Things You Will Need

  • Safety glasses
  • Gloves
  • TSP cleaner
  • Large bucket
  • Push broom
  • Garden hose
  • Hammer
  • Screwdriver
  • Measuring tape
  • Elastomeric roof coating
  • Paint stir stick
  • Paint tray
  • Paint roller

The cost of elastomeric coating is high, but the overall savings on roof repairs for homes located in extreme weather areas justifies the expense.

Clean and Prepare the Roof

  • Mix 4 cups of liquid trisodium phosphate (TSP) with 5 gallons of water in a large bucket. Spray the roof down with water from a garden hose. Place plastic drop cloths over vegetation below to avoid contact with the TSP.

  • Pour some of the cleaner on the roof in sections and scrub with a push broom. Rinse each section as you go.

  • Inspect the roof for loose nails, screws or flashing as you go. Repair as necessary by hammering in nails, tightening screws with a screwdriver and bending flashing back into place with a gloved hand.

  • Measure the length and width of the roof that needs covering with a measuring tape. Calculate the number of gallons you will need by dividing the total square feet of the roof area by 100. This will give you the actual number of gallons of product needed.

  • Give the roof 24 hours to dry. Leave the drop cloth in place for the next part of the project.

  • Apply the Elastomeric Coating

  • Open the container of elastomeric roof coating and mix well using a paint stir stick. Pour a generous amount into a paint pan.

  • Apply an even layer approximately 1/4-inch thick over the entire roof. Carefully coat the roof edges well.

  • Give the product 48 hours to dry. Check the roof for any spots that might have been missed. Re-coat those areas if necessary.

  • Tip

    Use gloves and safety glasses when using TSP. Perform any necessary roof repairs before applying the elastomeric sealant.


    Use caution when working on a roof.
