How to Build a Snowboard Bench
Any snowboarder who has been in the game for a couple years probably has a beloved board sitting in the garage, retired but still cherished for its years of service. Well, there's no better use for an old snowboard than building a customized bench.
Things You Will Need
+- Screwdriver
- Vinegar
- Moisturizer
- Power sander
- Table saw
- Nails
- Power drill
- Screws
- 2 by 4s
If you want an easier method, consider purchasing a pre-fabricated bench frame.
Just think of it: instead of riding it, you'll be sitting on it and relaxing all those muscles wearied from snowboarding with your new board.
Remove the snowboard bindings. Since snowboard bindings are designed to be adjusted or replaced, this step should be as simple as undoing some screws.
Scrape off any stomp pads. They may be useful for gripping off the ski-lift ramp, but your stomp pad is guaranteed to be a literal pain-in-the-butt for any user of your bench. Unlike the bindings, which are designed to be temporary, your stomp pad is likely to be permanently affixed. Gently pry up the stomp pad with a flat-head screwdriver, being careful not to damage the board. If a screwdriver isn't enough, try a solution of vinegar and hand moisturizer. This should help loosen the glue without damaging the paint job on your board.
File down the snowboard's edges. Snowboard edges are designed to be sharp in order to allow for smooth or sharp turns. Of course, this isn't exactly a desirable feature to have in a bench. Use a power sander to take the edge off the metal rim running down the sides of your snowboard.
Diagonally cut four legs from 2 4s measured to a length of 24 inches, a good height for your bench. Make sure the same angled cut is made on each leg. This way your four legs will cant away from each other evenly when attached to a base board.
Cut two base boards the same length as your snowboard's width. These two base boards will unite two legs on each end of your snowboard, forming the left and right base of your final bench.
Nail two leg boards to either end of your base boards. The legs should angle outward to support the weight above it. Your two bases should stand evenly.
Nail two boards for horizontal support between the two leg bases. The length of these horizontal support boards should be determined by the length of your snowboard, excluding the rounded parts. These two boards will offer support to your snowboard, which is designed to have a lot of flex during riding.
Paint the wooden bench parts the color you want your legs to be. It is best to paint the wooden portion of your bench now, before the snowboard is affixed.
Mark four places for drill holes on your snowboard. Place the snowboard on top of the bench frame, then mark on the board where you can drill through to reach the horizontal support boards.
Make a shallow, but wide hole in each drill mark, but do not drill through. You want a little depth initially so the screw head will be countersunk and flush with your bench's surface.
Change to the appropriate drill bit for your screws, and drill through the snowboard into the leg bases. Drilling through an old friend may be painful, but it will be worth it in the end.
Screw down your snowboard. You should now have an attractive and practical display of your old board, perfect for use outside.