How to Build a Table With a Laminate Countertop
Finding the right table to use as a desk or workspace can be a challenge, particularly if space is tight. Building a table with countertop laminate is an inexpensive, easy way to get a table surface that is the right size and shape for your workspace. Laminate comes in hundreds of colors, so you won't have any trouble finding a style that fits your decor. You can build a custom table using countertop laminate following these steps.
Build a Table with Laminate Countertop
Cut two pieces of particle board 2 inches larger than the intended size of your tabletop. Spread carpenter's glue on the surface of one piece with a trowel. Set the second piece of particle board on top of the glue and press down firmly.
Drill holes 1/16 inch smaller than the diameter of your 11/4-inch wood screws along the outer edges of the particle board at 2-inch intervals. The holes should be placed 3 inches from the edges. Insert 11/4-inch wood screws and fill the heads of the screws with wood putty. When the putty is dry, sand it lightly to prevent bumps from showing through the laminate.
Cut the joined layers of particle board 1/2 inch smaller than the intended size of your table top. Sand edges and wipe clean.
Measure the laminate 1 inch larger than the size of your tabletop. Using a straight edge and a utility knife, score the laminate. Make sure that the laminate is well supported, because it can easily break. Snap the laminate at the score lines.
Cover one side of the particle board with contact cement. Center one piece of laminate over the particle board and press down firmly. Use a router with a flush trim bit to trim the laminate even with the edge of the particle board.
Cut the 2-inch square hardwood to the desired height for the table legs. Turn the particle board over so the laminated side faces down, and drill holes through the particle board 1 inch from the corners. Drill through the ends of the legs and use 21/2-inch wood screws to attach them. Putty and sand the heads of the wood screws.
Cover the exposed side of the particle board with contact cement. Set and trim the second piece of laminate.
Cut and trim the 1/4-inch hardwood strips to edge the table. Use carpenter's glue and finishing nails to join the edging strips to the particle board. The top edges of the strips should be flush with the top surface of the laminate. Stain the edging strips and table legs as desired.