How to Clean Mold in a Log Cabin
Mold can ruin the charm and quaintness of a log cabin home and take away from the visual appeal of the old-time effect you experience when living or vacationing in a cabin. Cleaning logs routinely, however, can restore this charm and protect the structural integrity of your cabin. You can clean logs with a simple solution composed of water, bleach and liquid dish soap.
Log cabins often require the routine removal of mold from their exterior.Create a solution composed of 1 part bleach and 1 part water. Add 1 tbsp. of liquid dish soap to each gallon of bleach solution. A gallon is capable of treating a 400 square foot area with moderate mold. Mix the solution in a well-ventilated area, preferably outside, and use gloves and eye protection.
Spray exterior logs with a garden hose to free them of dust and dirt. Protect vegetation adjacent to the cabin by also spraying it with water.
Apply the bleach solution to logs. Spray the solution on with a hand pump if treating exterior logs; use a spray bottle if working inside.
Scrub the solution into logs using a stiff brush. Start with lower logs and work your way up. This step is unnecessary for logs with only minor bleach stains.
Rinse the logs with water by starting at the top of the structure and working your way down. Use a garden hose to rinse exterior logs and a spray bottle or wet rag and a bucket of water to rinse interior logs.
Spray any vegetation that may have come into contact with the bleach solution with a garden hose.
Apply a penetrating stain to logs to make them less susceptible to mold in the future. Avoid superficial treatments like varnish or polyurethane which do not adequately seal logs from moisture. Professionals in your local paint, hardware or home improvement store can recommend the stains and additives that provide the most protection against mold.