How to Convert From Septic to City Water

How to Convert From Septic to City Water. If you have a problem with your septic system or if you're being required to tap into a new sewage line, then you need to know what to do to convert from your current septic system to city water. Here are some things to keep in mind before you sign on the dotted line.

  • Consult your local building code enforcement office. Tell them what work you're planning and ask if tapping into their current system is feasible.

  • Get estimates for the new sewage line. Sewage, or city water, requires a professional licensed plumber to tap into the line. It may cost thousands of dollars depending on the length of the line.

  • Pay the tap-in fee. The local sewage authority will be required to open up the line, and depending where the line is, possibly the road as well to access it. This all costs money and you can expect to pay around two to three thousand dollars depending on the situation.

  • Submit your contractor's plans for tap-in to your local township or borough for approval. You will need to have this approval before you break ground.

  • Abandon the old septic system. You may be required to dig up the line and empty the septic tank. Fill the septic tank and plug the line 5 feet from the property line, or whatever is required by your sewage enforcement authority.

  • Keep an eye on construction until it is complete. You will now be billed for service by your water company or your sewage authority, but you will no longer have the headaches that come with having a septic system.

  • Tip

    Ask if your borough or township has plans of putting a new sewage line in on your street or replacing an old one. You may be able to tap into city water during construction for a more reasonable tap-in fee.
