How to Decorate Over a Curved Headboard

A curved headboard is a gorgeous complement to any bedroom, but it can make it difficult to decorate the wall above the headboard. If you leave the wall blank, it can seem empty. But the wrong decorations can make the wall look too busy or fussy. The key is to find just the right balance.

Let your curved headboard be the focal point of your bedroom design.
  • Follow the curve with a wall decal. Think of the headboard as the horizon and the wall beyond it as the sky. Let a tree decal growing from the headboard rise to painted stars closer to the ceiling. Take a more abstract approach with an abstract decal in colors that work with your bedroom.

  • Choose an angular piece of art, and hang it directly above your headboard. Think bright colors, even if you have a dark room. Bright colors are bolder and easier to see, since the art is separated from the viewer by your bed.

  • Create a photo collage over your bed. Choose large photos so that people can see them without climbing on your bed. You can use circular or rectangular frames.

  • Match your artwork to your headboard. For example, a black metal headboard looks great with black frames. If your headboard is a carnival of colors, choose one of the dominant shades for your frames. If you're feeling especially crafty, cover a wooden frame with matching fabric.

  • Take lettered decals and create a quote that expresses how you see the world. You also can use stencils to paint the quote on the wall. Let your room be your sanctuary with a quote that inspires you. You can either curve it along the top of your headboard or set it ruler-straight across the wall.

  • Tip

    If your headboard is intricate and decorative, putting a decoration over it might make wall look too busy.


    Secure any art, mirrors or photos carefully so that they don't fall on your head when you are in bed.
