How to Dewinterize a Sprinkler System

Once spring comes around, it's time to recharge the sprinklers and prepare the system for the season. Sprinklers that have been properly winterized should contain no water, and a cap on the base of the vacuum breaker was probably loosened or removed.

Priming a sprinkler system for the season takes only a few quick steps.

You'll need to reverse these procedures to get your system ready for daily use. All it takes is a few minutes and the turn of a few knobs and levers to get the system ready for spring.

Things You Will Need

  • Adjustable wrench
  • Nylon brush


Make sure the cap on the base of the vacuum breaker is on tight.

  • Locate the vacuum breaker, which is usually near the manifold outside.

  • Use a wrench to turn the small brass knob at the base of the vacuum breaker clockwise until tight. This will prevent water from spraying from the breaker.

  • Locate the main water line.

  • Turn the valve that connects the main line to the sprinkler system a half turn. This will turn on the water to the sprinkler system.

  • Turn both valves on the vacuum breaker a quarter turn. This will release water to the manifold.

  • Turn on the sprinklers, one zone at a time. This will flush water into the supply line and activate the sprinklers.

  • Inspect every sprinkler head for obstructions and performance.

  • Scrub sprinkler heads with a nylon brush to clear any debris and improve performance.

  • The Drip Cap

    • Once spring comes around, it's time to recharge the sprinklers and prepare the system for the season.
    • All it takes is a few minutes and the turn of a few knobs and levers to get the system ready for spring.
    • Turn the valve that connects the main line to the sprinkler system a half turn.
    • This will flush water into the supply line and activate the sprinklers.
