How to Get Melted Candles Out of a Glass Holder
Candles that have melted all over your glass candle holders can be a real pain. You can't clean them when they first melt, or you will burn your hands. Invariably, by the time you have a chance to clean them off, the wax will have melted into tiny nooks and crevices.
Easily get the wax off your candle holders using the things in your kitchen.You can get the candle wax off easily using just a few simple steps.
Place the candle holder in the freezer once the wax has cooled completely.
Leave it in the freezer for at least one hour.
Take the candle holder out of the freezer and pop the candle out with your fingers.
Fill a bowl with warm water and set it on the counter.
Fully submerge the candle holder in the water.
Take the candle holder out and take out the candle. The warm water softens the wax enough for it to come right out.
Things You Will Need
+- Freezer
- Bowl
- Warm water
Before putting a new candle in the holder, place a few drops of water in the candle holder. This will keep the new candle from sticking.