How to Get Rid of Gas Smells From Gloves
Gasoline has a distinct odor and is often difficult to remove from clothing. If a pair of gloves smells of gasoline, don't fret. You can easily use a bucket rather than your washing machine — which can end up smelling like gas as well — to get rid of the smell.
Wash the gloves in a bucket rather than in a washing machine.While regular laundry detergent doesn't usually remove the odors completely, there are a couple of other items found around your home that will help you get rid of the gas smells from your gloves.
Things You Will Need
+- Bucket
- Laundry detergent
- Stick
- Baby oil
- Cola
- Baking soda
Fill a 2 gallon bucket about three-fourths of the way full with cold water and add approximately 1/4 cup of heavy duty laundry detergent. Put the gloves into the bucket and stir them around using a stick or another object. Do this for about 2 or 3 minutes to get the some of the gas smell off your gloves and to remove any dirt.
Replace the water with clean water, but this time, add 1 cup of baby oil. Swish the gloves for 2 to 3 minutes and let them soak for about 20 minutes. Stir the gloves around again for another 1 to 2 minutes.
Rinse your gloves under cold running water, or refill your bucket again with clean water and rinse them. When finished, smell your gloves. If they still smell of gas, proceed to the next step.
Fill the bucket once more and add a can of cola and 1 cup of baking soda. Add the gloves and mix them around. Let the gloves soak for at least 12 hours.
Rinse the gloves and hang or lay them out to dry in the sun. The gasoline smell should now be gone.
The Drip Cap
- Gasoline has a distinct odor and is often difficult to remove from clothing.
- While regular laundry detergent doesn't usually remove the odors completely, there are a couple of other items found around your home that will help you get rid of the gas smells from your gloves.
- Put the gloves into the bucket and stir them around using a stick or another object.