How to Get Rid of Yellow Sac Spiders

Yellow sac spiders are small, yellowish spiders with transparent legs. Though they prefer living in gardens and on shrubs, they frequently move indoors when the temperature outside becomes too extreme.

Though not as venomous as more infamous spiders like the black widow, sac spiders inflict a painful bite and inject a cytotoxic venom into their victims. Though the pain and tissue damage is normally localized and hardly ever fatal, sac spiders still pose a danger to humans. They are likely the most common cause of venomous spider bites. You can eliminate sac spiders from your home by making it an unattractive environment for them and by limiting their access.

  • Prevent spiders from entering your home by placing screens on windows and using caulk to seal holes or cracks in walls. Spiders can enter through very small spaces, so thoroughly inspect your home for even the tiniest of openings. Yellow sac spiders are most likely to enter homes during the fall in an attempt to escape from the cold weather. If you make entry more difficult, they will find somewhere else to go.

  • Remove rubbish and wood piles from your yard. Yellow sac spiders frequently lay eggs in secluded piles of debris and may also choose to live in these safe, secluded locations. By removing these potential nesting sites, you encourage sac spiders to move to other yards. This decreases the likelihood that the spiders will ever enter your home and also makes it less likely that you will encounter them in your yard.

  • Seal open food containers and thoroughly clean counters, floors and other surfaces. Yellow sac spiders will only inhabit areas that provide them with ample food in the form of insects. If your house is not appealing to ants, roaches and flies it won't be appealing to spiders, either. Consider using an exterminator if you have an ongoing pest problem in your home.

  • Move any spiders you see to the outdoors immediately. Sac spiders carry their egg sacs on their backs, so moving one spider can actually help you eliminate the potential for a massive infestation. You may inadvertently open up egg sacs trying to kill a spider, and sac spiders are more likely to inflict dangerous bites when threatened. An outdoor sac spider will keep pests from entering your home, so carefully use a piece of paper and a jar or cup to scoop up the spider and take it outside.

  • Things You Will Need

    • Screens
    • Caulk
    • Piece of paper
    • Jar or cup


    Avoid poisoining sac spiders. This will not prevent more sac spiders from entering your home. Moreover, the spider will spread the poison throughout your house before it dies, creating a hazard for children and pets.

    Never kill spiders that are outside. Sac spiders are an important part of the ecosystem and kill many insect pests. More importantly, if you begin killing sac spiders outside, they may move inside seeking safety and shelter.
