How to Get the Scum Off a Faucet
Soap scum builds on kitchen and bathroom faucets because of hard water buildup and residual soap. The minerals found in hard water will create a scum that will make the faucet appear unattractive. Soap also will harden around the faucets and cake on to create a scum buildup.
Sink faucets need cleaned regularly to keep the scum away from the fixtures.Things You Will Need
+- Vinegar
- Washcloths
- Soft-bristled scrub brush
- Paper towels
- Towel
- Baking soda
- Sponge
- Rubbing alcohol or baby oil
If you neglect cleaning the faucet to remove the scum when you notice it, the minerals will continue to build, making it more difficult to clean.
Spray vinegar directly onto the soap scum on the faucet. Allow the vinegar to sit on the scum for 20 minutes.
Wipe the vinegar off the faucet with a washcloth. Rub on the faucet to remove the loosened scum. Scrub on hard to reach areas with a small soft-bristled scrub brush.
Soak a washcloth or paper towels with white distilled vinegar. Place them onto the faucet over areas that still contain scum. Allow the vinegar to rest on the buildup for 15 minutes, and then wipe the scum off the faucet with a clean washcloth.
Rinse the sink faucet with clean water. Dry it with a towel and inspect it closely for any remaining scum and buildup.
Apply baking soda over the area that still contains scum. Scrub on the area with a damp sponge. The baking soda will act as a soft abrasive to help loosen the buildup. Rinse and dry the faucet area thoroughly.
Shine the sink faucet with a dime-sized amount of rubbing alcohol or baby oil. Buff the faucet so that its shine returns. The solution will help to remove water spots as well.
Avoid using abrasive cleaners on the sink faucets because they may scratch the metal surface.