How to Hang Bathroom Towels

Towels are a necessity in every type of bathroom. This includes bath towels, hand towels, decorative towels and towels used for cleaning. They add to the function and décor of your bathroom. In order to have an organized bathroom, you will want to hang your towels.

To have a well-functioning bathroom, there are a couple of factors you should consider when it comes to the placement of your towels and towel racks.

  • Hang everyday bath towels in a place where they will be able to dry quickly after use. If you only have one wet towel, a towel bar on the wall or shower door, or inside of the shower stall away from the water will do fine. If you have multiple people using the bathroom, and therefore multiple wet towels, hang a towel holder with several hooks over your bathroom door. You will want the hooks to be spread out enough so that the towels will be able to dry between use. These type of over-the-door hooks are available at bath stores such as Bed, Bath and Beyond.

  • Provide a hand towel by the sink so that you and your family members and guests can easily dry their hands after washing them. You will want this towel to be hung in close proximity to the sink so it will be obvious to all users, and your decorative or bath towels will not accidentally be used. Hang the hand towel on a small towel ring or hook an arm’s distance from the sink.

  • Use decorative towels to add to your bathroom décor. Pretty embroidered towels or ones with bold prints are always a nice touch; however, you will want to make sure that guests do not mistake them for hand towels to use after washing. Hang them on a towel bar either under the window or on the center of the wall, but not too close to the sink. Proper placement should help indicate that the towels are meant for decoration rather than use.

  • Hide your towels that you use for cleaning the sink or your face on a hook on the inside of your bathroom cabinet door.

  • Things You Will Need

    • Bath towel
    • Towel rack
    • Bath mat
    • Hang towel
    • Decorative towels
    • Towel hook
