How to Install a Vinyl Shower Pan

Convenient, tile-ready shower pans come in fiberglass, acrylic and vinyl. These pans are placed over masonry sub floors. Preparing the sub floor properly is key to installing a perfect-fit vinyl shower pan.

Install a Vinyl Shower Pan

Things You Will Need

  • Spatula
  • Trowel
  • Level
  • Duct tape
  • Waterproof vinyl membrane
  • Slap stapler
  • Scissors
  • Waterproof all-purpose glue
  • Screw gun
  • Galvanized screws
  • Mix a batch of ready-mix mortar according to the manufacturer's instructions. Pour a 2-inch layer over the sub floor. Create a slight slope towards the center drain. Allow the mortar 24 hours to cure.

  • Install a sheet of waterproof vinyl membrane over the mortar. Position the vinyl membrane flat on the ground and 1 foot up the side walls. Overlap the vinyl at each corner and staple it to the wall studs.

  • Staple the vinyl into the studs with a slap stapler. Fold the vinyl down over the curb and staple the shower pan liner to the front of the curb. Trim off the excess vinyl.

  • Glue the vinyl shower pan to the drain hole to keep it centered.

  • Mix another batch of mortar and place a 2-inch layer on top of the vinyl sheet. Make sure there is a slight slope towards the center drain. Allow the mortar 24 hours to cure.

  • Lay a pre-fabricated vinyl shower pan on top of the second layer of mortar, with the drain hole positioned over the shower pan's hole.

  • Bore pilot holes through the sides of the pan, then screw the pan to the wall studs with galvanized screws.

  • Tip

    The waterproof vinyl shower liner under the vinyl shower pan will prevent leaks. Self-constructed vinyl shower pans are ideal for tiled showers. Tile does not go over pre-fabricated fiberglass, acrylic or vinyl shower pans.


    To keep the mortar from entering the drain hole, cover the hole with duct tape. Clean off all excess mortar from the bucket and tools before it dries.
