How to Make a Torchiere Shade
A torchiere is a floor or table lamps that has the light pointed upwards. The stands are usually made of metal or wood. The shades vary from metals, glasses, stone finishes, metal screens, ceramics and fabrics. In this article, we shall show you how to create a shade for a torch lamp using stainless steel mesh. Using this type of a shade would give the torchiere a more industrial or modern look that would work with a contemporary interior design.
TorchiereGet a roll of stainless wire mesh, preferably one that has a 12 by 64 mesh per inch. Choosing this kind will filter the light through giving your shade an ambient glow. Choose a roll that is 48 inches wide so that you will have enough room to work with. This type of mesh is also easy to work with. You can fold it in any shape and it will hold the shape on its own.
Measure the height and width of your shade based on how you would want it to appear on the torch. Measure the height from about two inches below the base of where the light fixture is located. You can go as high as you want especially if your room has high ceilings such as in building lofts or houses with cathedral ceilings.
Transfer your measurements on the wire mesh using a pen or marker. Before cutting, you may want to add pleats or make it wider. For example, if you were trying to do a cone-shaped shade, you would need room to scrunch the metal for added texture and effect.
Cut to size using a metal shear or sharp blade.
Roll the wire mesh into a conical shape.
Cut two inches from the pointed end of the cone.
Slip on the cone-shaped shade from the top; loosen the grip to give it enough room so that the top part of the lamp stand will fit. Tighten the grip once you have reached two inches below the bottom of the light fixture base, this portion is what we shall refer to as the "neck." Adjust to fit.
Use a copper wire to tie the end of the cone to the lamp stand. Wind the wire around the neck area, holding the mesh tightly so it does not slide down. Wind several times, until it is tight enough, and then twist the end of the copper wire to lock it in place.