How to Neutralize Gasoline on a Driveway
Gasoline is a dangerous, highly flammable liquid with a low spark point, meaning it is easy to cause it to catch fire. When gasoline is spilled on a driveway, it is important to neutralize it quickly and dispose of the results carefully, lest you leave a fire hazard in a regularly used area.
When neutralized quickly, gasoline will not stain the driveway.Things You Will Need
+- Cat litter
- Dustpan
- Brush
- Cement mix
- Baking soda
- Scouring brush
Gasoline will also stain a driveway, giving you a further reason to dispose of the problem quickly.
Pour cat litter onto the gasoline. Cover the entire stain with cat litter and continue to pour on more litter in the areas where the litter is quickly absorbing the fluid. Leave the cat litter for 24 hours to absorb the gasoline. The litter will neutralize the gasoline and can then be swept away using a dustpan and brush.
Pour dry cement mix onto any remaining gasoline. The smaller particles in the cement mix will react with and absorb any gasoline the cat litter was unable to soak up. Cover the gasoline with the cement mix and allow it to sit for 24 hours. Sweep up the cement mix with the dustpan and brush.
Mix up a stiff paste of baking soda and water. Pour a small amount of water over any gasoline that is still present on the driveway. Apply the baking soda paste to a scouring brush and scrub the dampened gasoline. Rinse away the gasoline and baking soda mixture with more water.
Even after it is neutralized, gasoline can stain a driveway but it can be removed by scrubbing laundry detergent into the stain with a scouring brush. Rinse away the detergent and repeat the process to remove the remnants of the stain.
Gasoline is highly flammable, even when absorbed by cement and cat litter. Take care when disposing of the swept-up cat litter and cement mix to ensure the gasoline will not come into contact with any heat sources.