How to Remove Ginger Ale Stains From Upholstery

Ginger ale is a carbonated soda that leaves lighter-colored upholstery slightly discolored with a yellowish-golden hue when spilled. Drinks are commonly spilled in homes on carpets, furniture, hard flooring, countertops and tables.

Stains on upholstery can ruin the furniture.

Things You Will Need

  • Soap-free detergent
  • Soft wash cloth
  • Spray bottle with warm water
  • Paper towels

Even if you dry them as quickly as possible, sometimes, on fabrics like upholstered furniture, they still leave a stain if nothing is used to treat the spill immediately.

  • Pour a few drops of soap-free detergent onto the ginger ale stain.

  • Let the detergent sit for 5 to 10 minutes.

  • Rub the stain gently with the soft wash cloth.

  • Spray the area with warm water, and rub the stain again to help lift the stain and detergent.

  • Blot the area with paper towels until all liquid is absorbed.

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