How to Remove Scratches From Marble

As the saying goes, "a home is a man's castle." And what better material to adorn one's personal castle than marble, the building material used in such places as the Greek Parthenon, the Taj Mahal, and the United States Capitol?

The beauty of this legendary material does come at a cost; marble is relatively soft, and can scratch easily. While prevention is key, even the most diligent homeowner is bound to encounter a scratch now and then. Here's how to remove scratches from your home's marble surfaces.

Things You Will Need

  • Bowl
  • Warm water
  • Mild liquid dishwashing detergent
  • Three soft cloths
  • Fine-grained sandpaper (optional)
  • Commercial marble polish (optional)


Make sure that your marble is true marble. Scratches in the surface of synthetic marble or in other varietes of natural stone will need to be approached differently than scratches in real marble. Dust is the enemy of marble. Dust, grit, and sand is a leading cause of scratches.


Never use vinegar, lemon, or any acidic product to clean marble surfaces. Avoid extremes in water temperature - in this case, hotter is not better.

  • Fill a bowl with a mixture of water and mild dish washing detergent. Keep the water warm, but not hot.

  • Wet one of your soft cloths. Wring it well, then gently rub the scratched marble surface. Many small scratches in marble are caused by dirt or grit. A gentle cleaning -and the key word here is gentle- can work wonders.

  • Dip a second soft cloth in water, wring, then thoroughly rinse the marble surface. Rinse the cloth often to ensure that all traces of soap are removed.

  • Buff the now-clean marble with a dry soft cloth. Sometimes this simple cleaning is sufficient to remove small scratches from the surface.

  • If the cleaning and buffing don't remove the scratches from the marble, try gently rubbing the scratch with a piece of fine-grained sandpaper. Use a light hand.

  • Finish up by using a commercial marble polish, available in hardware and home stores. One well-known brand name is Gel-Gloss.

  • Seek professional help if the scratch is deep or doesn’t respond to your efforts. Experts have both the expertise as well as the special tools to treat badly damaged marble surfaces.

  • The Drip Cap

    • As the saying goes, "a home is a man's castle." Here's how to remove scratches from your home's marble surfaces.
    • Wet one of your soft cloths.
    • Wring it well, then gently rub the scratched marble surface.
    • Many small scratches in marble are caused by dirt or grit.
