How to Use a Jute Cord to Repair a Chair Seat
If you have an old chair with a sagging seat, it is possible the springs have become loose overtime. If so, a strong material such as jute cord is an affordable and easy fix for this problem. You can use the jute cord to secure the springs, saving your chair from being further damaged or discarded. When upholstering a piece of furniture, it is important to check the stability of the chair's seat and frame before recovering the piece.
Jute cord is a strong and inexpensive material for repairing chair seats.Choose a durable twine for your repair project. Jute twine found at craft stores is not always ideal for this project. Instead, look at home repair supply stores for sturdy twine. Your jute cord should be at least 4 or 5 ply.
Remove any cushion from the chair's seat. Check the frame for screws that can be removed to access the spring seating. If the cushion is not removable, turn the chair upside down to access the springs so they can be repaired.
Analyze the areas that need repair in your chair's seat. If the chair frame itself is broken, jute twine will not be a sufficient fix. Instead, you will need to replace the broken frame with wood. If the springs are broken or loose, jute cord can be used to properly bind the springs to the frame.
Start in the top corner of your seat's frame. Tie a double knot onto one side of the spring and then move horizontally to tie to the opposite side of the spring's loop. Cross diagonally through the spring's loop to the bottom left-hand corner of the loop and tie a knot. Cross back over horizontally to the bottom right-hand side and tie. Continue horizontally tying in this fashion through your individual loops.
Move vertically down to the next row of springs once you have completed your first horizontal row. Continue in this pattern to tie your jute cord through the springs of your chair until you have tied your entire chair's seat.
Wrap excess length of jute cord to the seat's frame for extra stability. This is only an option if the chair's frame is not visible. Cut off any excess jute twine. For added stability, you can use hot glue around your knots to further hold the jute twine to the springs.
Replace the seat's cushion with the reserved screws.