How to Wash a Velour Pillow
Similar to velvet, velour is a luxuriously soft fabric characterized by its dense, short nap. The fabric contributes its softness to clothing as well as upholstery and home-decorative items. Pillows covered in velour look lovely propped against a sofa or chair back, and they are also soft places to lay your head. Because of the dense nap, it's essential to take extra care when cleaning your pillows.
Removable Pillowcase, Machine-Care
Velour pillows require special laundry care.Unzip the pillowcase and remove it from the pillow.
Examine the case for any stains. If your examination reveals a stain, dampen a clean soft cloth in cool water and gently dab at the stain. Find the underside of the stain and dampen that side, too. Do not rub velour, or you will compromise the nap and leave either a shiny or "rubbed" spot.
Examine the laundry-care label and determine if the case is machine washable or requires hand washing.
Turn the cover inside out and place it inside of a mesh lingerie bag if the care label recommended the use of a washing machine.
Add a gentle-care laundry detergent according to product instructions.
Wash the pillowcase in cool water on the washing machine's gentle cycle.
Remove the case from the machine and lay flat to dry.
Removable Pillowcase, Hand-Wash
Unzip the pillowcase and remove it from the pillow.
Examine the case for any stains. If your examination reveals a stain, dampen a clean soft cloth in cool water and gently dab at the stain. Find the underside of the stain and dampen that side, too. Do not rub velour, or you will compromise the nap and leave either a shiny or "rubbed" spot.
Turn the cover inside out.
Fill a sink with cold water and add about 1 tbsp. gentle-care laundry detergent to the running water.
Immerse the pillowcase in the water and allow it to soak for about five to 10 minutes.
Drain the water from the sink and turn the faucet on cool to rinse the pillowcase. Rinse until the water runs clear.
Roll the case in a large bath towel to remove excess water. Do not wring out water from the case, or you will break down the fibers.
Unroll the towel and lay the case flat to dry.
Non-Removable Pillowcase
Connect the brush attachment to your vacuum and gently vacuum the pillow.
Dampen a soft, clean cloth in cool water and gently dab at any stains, taking care to not rub away the nap.
Spray the pillow with a fabric-safe deodorizer.