Instructions for Durabrand Dual Alarm Clocks

Manufactured by the Lenoxx Electronics Corporation and distributed by Walmart, Durabrand dual alarm clocks allow you to set up to two different alarm times. This is especially helpful for couples who get up at different times or for people who like to wake up later on the weekends.

Durabrand dual alarm clocks also feature helpful and convenient radio, snooze and sleep control features. Thanks to clearly-labeled and user-friendly setting buttons, setting up your Durabrand dual alarm clock for the first time is a breeze.

  • Plug your Durabrand dual alarm clock into a standard electrical outlet. Insert a 9-volt battery into the clock's battery compartment to prevent your settings from being lost in the event that the power goes out or the clock is accidentally unplugged.

  • Set the time on your new Durabrand clock. Press and hold the "Time" and "Forward" buttons on the top of the clock until the desired hour is shown on the digital display. Press and hold the "Time" and "Reverse" buttons until the desired minutes value is shown. Watch the AM/PM indicator to ensure that you set your clock to the correct time of day.

  • Take advantage of the clock's radio feature. Slide the "Function" switch, located on the top of the clock, into the "On" position. Use the adjacent "Band" switch to choose between AM and FM. Rotate the "Tuning Control" on the right side of the clock until the desired radio station is shown on the clock's digital display. Move the "Function" switch back to the "Off" position to turn off the radio.

  • Set an alarm on the Durabrand dual alarm clock. Slide the "Alarm Set" switch, located on the left side of the clock, to "Position 1," and slide the switch to "Position 2" when setting the second alarm. Press and hold the "Alarm" and "Forward" buttons until the desired alarm hour is shown on the display. Press and hold the "Alarm" and "Reverse" buttons to adjust the minutes to the desired time. Move the "Alarm Set" switch to "Position 1" to wake to the first alarm time, "Position 2" to wake to the second alarm time or to "Position 1+2" to activate both alarms.

  • Choose between waking up to a traditional alarm buzz or your favorite radio station. Slide the "Function" switch to "Buzz" after setting your alarm to wake to a traditional alarm tone. Tune the radio to your favorite station and slide the "Function" switch into the "Auto" position to wake to your favorite AM or FM radio station. Press the "Alarm/Sleep Off" button to silence the alarm when it sounds.

  • Tip

    Use the clock's sleep feature to listen to music while going to sleep. Move the "Function" switch into the "Buzz" or "Auto" positions and press the "Sleep" button. The radio will play for 59 minutes before shutting off; use the "Forward" and "Reserve" buttons to adjust the length of time, if desired.


    Durabrand offers several models of dual alarm clocks. If these instructions don't work with your particular model of alarm clock, contact the Walmart Help Center to obtain model-specific advice.
