Vitamix 2100 Vs. 2200 | HomeSteady

Different models of the same machine, the Vitamix 2100 and 2200, provide cooks the options of cooking soup, freezing or blending foods and creating juices with these blenders from the late 1960s and early '70s.

Vitamix 2100 Kitchen Center

Early Vitamix blenders made soups, fresh ice cream or juices.

Introduced in 1969, the Vitamix 2100 heavy-duty stainless steel model offered high-speed blade double action with a motor that moved forward, backward and had a "zoom" feature. It stood 16 inches high and 8 1/2 inches wide at its base.

Vitamix 2200 Sidewinder

With the same features as the Vitamix 2100, the Vitamix 2200 Sidewinder professional model provided solid ice cream or could grind grain in the blender. Using a method called "friction cooking," the blender made soup from whole vegetables or created fresh juice with fruits or vegetables at the twist of a dial.

Vitamix 2100 Vs. Vitamix 2200

The Vitamix 2100 is the household version of the Vitamix blender, while the 2200 is the professional or commercial version of the same blender. Both machines bear model number 479003. The 2200 stands up to heavier "commercial" use than the 2100, but essentially both models are the same.
